The academic initiative "Ukrainian Research in Switzerland" (URIS) fosters Ukrainian expertise in Switzerland.
Learn more about URIS
The objectives of the initiative URIS are to make a long-term contribution to furthering Ukrainian expertise in Switzerland, to foster the next generation of scholars, and to contribute to the international networks of Switzerland-based university research on Ukraine.
Upcoming Events
Ukraine’s art history has long been overshadowed and appropriated. This course from our fellow Katia Denysova uncovers its rich visual culture and challenges entrenched narratives through the lens of 20th-century art.
Am 24. Februar 2025 jährt sich Russlands Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine zum dritten Mal. Zum Gedenken organisieren wir mit einigen Veranstaltungspartnern eine Event-Reihe am Theater Basel und im Stadtkino Basel.
Neu haben wir gleich zwei Ukrainisch-Kurse im Angebot: Ein Ukrainisch II, der nahtlos an den Einführungskurs anknüpft (auch ohne Einführungskurs zu besuchen) und ein Ukrainisch für Fortgeschrittene
This spring semester, we are delighted to host Dr. Katia Denysova, the first art historian in our fellowship program
New publication on how memory is mobilised and how cultural, collective, and individual memories are being reshaped to deal with the ruptures and threats posed by the war
As our first highlight of 2025 – and already one of the most important publications of the coming years by our former URIS fellow Serhiy Kudelia