*Closed: Call for Applications: Two URIS Fellowships at the University of Basel (2023/2024)
The internationally oriented fellowship programme is open to postdoctoral and senior scholars in the humanities, cultural studies and social sciences whose research has the potential to make a substantial contribution to a better understanding of the history, society, politics and culture of Ukraine.
The URIS fellowship enables the recipient to spend six months researching at the University of Basel (August 2023–January 2024 and February 2024–July 2024).
The initiative is looking for internationally recognised researchers who are prepared to be involved in the network of Swiss-Ukraine research and to offer a Ukraine-related course at the University of Basel during their stay in Switzerland. The main working focus of URIS in the autumn semester 2022 and spring semester 2023 will be on "Ukraine and Europe in transition". The announcement of the two fellowships is particularly aimed at applicants working on issues with a trans-regional dimension. The recipients are obliged to reside in Basel for the duration of the fellowship. The awarding of the fellowships will be decided by an academic advisory board.
Applications are open until 20 November 2022.
Download CfA and application form (EN/DE)
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the application
1. I use English in both research and teaching and publish in English. However, I do not have explicit language credentials for this. Can I still apply?
Yes, an English language certificate is not necessary in this case. In individual cases, the URIS Scientific Advisory Board may contact you again to make a final decision.
3. Do I also need to send a hard copy of the application materials by November 20?
No. We are moving with the times and only require a digital application via uris@unibas.ch
4. What exactly is meant by „title and summary of research project“?
This refers to the project you want to pursue in Basel (which may also be a project you are currently working on). Our previous fellows have worked for example on their book manuscripts, single book chapters or on smaller or larger publications and projects. Since URIS is a research project to foster Ukrainian expertise in Switzerland, the project must be connected to Ukrainian issues or has a focus on Ukrainian studies.
5. Is it possible to apply without university affiliation? (Is it worth it?)
Yes and absolutely yes.
Contact for any queries
Oliver Göhler
URIS Academic Coordinator
University of Basel, Department of History
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